Case Study
We simplify a procurement process both in large, medium and small companies from various industries. Choose a sector and download a case study.

OEX E-Business
In October 2018, in cooperation with NextBuy, a dedicated tool for purchasing automation, the Blue Buy platform, was launched for OEX E-Business.

Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
Credit Agricole Bank Polska is a bank which listens to its clients carefully and builds with them long term relations. The bank offers solutions suited to the individual needs, in good time – starting with a bank account, debit and credit cards as well as a foreign currency account, through a broad range of credits, savings and investment funds, up to the insurance for the clients and their relatives.

AMICA It's the largest Polish manufacturer of household appliances. Despite increasing foreign competition, Amica remains the leader in the Polish market.

SDA Group
The SDA Group Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. specializes in designing and producing industrial equipment as well as CNC machining. The company mission assumes individual attitude to every project and delivering best quality products and services thanks to a highly skilled engineering staff.

Nest Bank SA
Nest Bank SA offers modern and safe financial products for private individuals as well as entrepreneurs. The company belongs to the British investment fund AnaCap and it is developing its service network in Poland. The bank mission is not only offering high quality services, but also supporting its clients in their everyday duties.

Zeelandia Sp. z o.o.
Zeelandia Sp. z o.o. is an international company based on family tradition. The company is presently a leader of baking and confectionery additives market, with highest food safety standards. The company takes care of its unique identity, applying latest technologies.